Our Local Sponsors
About CGC
Launched in January 2011, Conquering Grounds Cafe has become a powerful ministry to those in the recovery and church community. God has blessed us with MANY gifted musicians who have shared their time, talent, and testimony.
Run by a dedicated team of volunteers and supported by donations, Conquering Grounds is a FREE monthly event. We thank God for the work He’s doing and are excited to see what’s in store for the future as we strive to offer the recovery community a safe, uplifting, and entertaining place to hear exceptional Christian artists who proclaim the gospel with truth and power.

For More Christian Music in a Laid-Back Atmosphere Check Out:
Great Music, Food, Coffee, and Fellowship!
Join us on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
Admission Is Free!
Where: The Edge Building at Christian Life Church, 3100 Galloway Rd, Bensalem, PA
Questions: Contact Bob Sofronski
(Donations appreciated to cover costs and for the band. Thanks for your prayerful consideration and generosity so we can keep this event FREE!)

Some Past Conquering Grounds Cafe Artists
Prayers Needed
Pray for the man sitting in the back of the service week after week to finally hear God’s call and turn his life over to Jesus. Pray for the inmates who’ve met Jesus and experienced the transforming power of a relationship with Him. Pray that each grows deep roots of faith so he can stand firm in the Truth when faced with the trials of life outside (and inside) prison.

“I couldn’t. God could. So I let Him.”
RTR was Formed in Sept. 2008. Now called Conquering Addictions, the Lord is using this ministry to reach and change hundreds of lives through guest speakers, bands, testimonies, music performances and celebrations, and the Power of God’s Word!
At every weekly meeting lives and hearts turn toward God for hope, healing, and freedom. Ministry leaders and guest speakers, from all walks of life, share the Word and their personal testimonies. Through those from affluent families and those from the poverty of the inner city, we’ve seen that addictions don’t respect economic or demographic differences. They claim all equally. But we’ve also seen that the love of Jesus can overcome EVERY addiction and bring us all into the intimate, saving knowledge of God’s grace and mercy.
Conquering Addiction also helps place individuals seeking freedom for their addictions into Christ-centered treatment facilities and recovery programs–from PA to NJ to NC to FL. We have seen with our eyes and can testify that our Savior embraced those who were willing to turn their lives over to His capable hands.
We give thanks and praise for the blessings He poured, and continues to pour, on this ministry!
Why We Do This:
We praise our ever-merciful Lord for reaching a young man named Joe. Joe attended a Friday Conquering Addiction meeting, ostensibly to support his friend. In the middle of the message, Joe raised his hand and said, “From listening to you speak, I know that I have not lived a life that has been pleasing to God. How can I get Jesus in my life?” Joe accepted Christ that very night. The following Thursday at 2:30 in the morning, Joe was killed in a motorcycle accident. His grandmother shared with us that Joe had been reading his Bible every day that week and was uplifted and filled with the Holy Spirit. It is specifically because of people like Joe that this ministry exists today.
Prayers Needed:
Please remember in your prayers the 40 to 50 men and women who attend each Friday meeting. God has saved hundreds of souls and discipled hundreds more through these meetings. He has also allowed us to help countless men and women into rehabilitation facilities and to obtain housing... but, there are so many more who need a hand up. Pray that they find the resources they need and remain true on their paths with Christ.