Get Involved in Our Recovery Ministries
In-Prison Volunteer Opportunities
Each week we run a worship service in Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility in Philadelphia. If you’d like to experience this powerful worship contact our prison ministry coordinator. We are especially looking for men and women who play an instrument, sing and can lead worship.
- Visit as a guest
- Lead worship/sing/play an instrument
- Become a pen pal

Other Opportunities
Prayer Partner
Stay Connected
Sign up for CLPRM’s free quarterly e-newsletter (to the right). Read stories of transformed lives and keep up with ministry news.
Contact Us
For more information about ways you can help, send us an e-mail.
Conquering Grounds Café
Many hands are needed to make this ministry a success each month. Here are a few of the ways you can help:
- CGC Committee — help select bands and speakers
- Food and beverage server — work behind the counter at monthly Cafe events
- Setup and cleanup
- Donate food and beverage items — especially bottled water, canned soda and baked goods
Conquering Addictions Meetings
- Attend a weekly meeting
- Share your testimony
- Play instrument/sing/lead worship